Our Executive Board manages the organization in collaboration with committees and members.
The Board is elected by voting members every two years. All members are invited to run for a leadership position.
DWCHC 2025-2026
Leadership Team:
Bev Bitzegaio
Da'Vita Foushee
Penny Sunshine
1st Vice President

Judi Gentleman
2nd Vice President

Members are encouraged to get involved
through one or more committees.
Organize opportunities for DWC to connect with other organizations and participate in community events.
Support needs of other organizations through collections or disseminating information at our general meetings.
Assist in planning annual EXPO and other events.​
Manage membership database and official roster of voting members.
Notify members about upcoming meetings, event and official organization business.
Provide membership applications and other materials at all meetings.
Notify all members that annual dues are payable in January and facilitate collection of dues with the Treasurer.
Coordinate distribution of permanent name badges for Voting Members.
Develop ways to engage members in the organization.
Determine the topic of the written competition in collaboration with the Executive Board.
Promote essay contest to high school students. Distribute applications and guidelines to the HCSC high schools.
Recruit judges and provide guidelines and scoring rubrics to facilitate judging.
Coordinate collection of applications and communicate with applicants, their schools and judges.
Select winners based on results of judging and notify winners and their schools.
Coordinate with winning students to present at DWC meeting.
Arrange with the participating high schools for awards presentation.
Create scholarship booklet with winning essays and ads to disseminate via print and electronic.
Promote winners through social media and press.